Artist’s Statement
Teaching art in Junior and High schools provided an outlet for my creativity and the opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of materials and processes. This suited my quest for new challenges that still motivates my work today.
Having worked mainly on oils I took the opportunity upon retirement to develop skills with watercolours and loved the accidental effects that could be encouraged with a large brush and free flowing paint. I also attended classes for life drawing which encouraged concentration and observation, giving me the confidence to embark upon a series with figures in watercolour.
My own photographs provide the inspiration for my work. When out in the landscape I am constantly aware of the colours, textures and shapes that surround me be they natural or man-made. When time allows I capture the essence of a scene in watercolour on the spot. It is important to me that I feel a personal connection with the subject matter.
Of late I have concentrated on collage. This can include the use of acrylics, inks, newsprint or made papers applied with rollers, glue, brushes, or anything else that comes to hand! It is the accidental nature of the medium that most excites me, where the materials and mark making take on a life of their own and lead in unexpected directions.
I have exhibited for a number of years in the NW Open as well as at Theatre Clwyd with the ‘Spectrum’ group, Williamson Open, Grosvenor Art Society (2 commendations), Castle Park Open and local exhibitions.