Artist’s Statement
Diana Terry depicts evocative land and seascapes, taking inspiration and seeking to portray an emotional connection. Texture and materials are integral to this work and evolving the surface building the surface up to a high relief. Using gesso which is a form of plaster of paris encourages quick responses and the ground can be literally embedded into the surface skin of the work. In this way diversity is created in the mark making.
By placing the viewer on the edge of the land amidst the full force of the elements there is a contemporary interpretation of the traditions of the sublime in nature. There is sometimes a solitary figure or building included which is as timeless as the land, sea and sky, merging the inner with the outer world. It is the essence of a place that is captured. The work explores the intrusion of man made structures on the landscape. The visual impact on the environment is recorded and developed into large scale drawings and paintings.
My studio is in a Victorian cotton mill . Please contact me through my website